On The Energies…

We are still in some powerful energies.  We are still going to be really feeling the effects of the Equinox energies, over the next few weeks.  During this time we can expect a huge amount of Plasma Solar Energies to continue to stream in.  Last night a CME made impact, hitting Earth’s magnetic field.  Right now we are all integrating a lot of Cosmic Energies.  These energies are packed full of Activation Codes that are Upgrading our DNA.  April will also bring some massive upgrades to the collective grids.  This is the best time, to really, come back into balance.  It’s also important that you have a plan and some goals set out for the rest of the year.  We have just entered into Aries Season.  Aries Season will bring a lot of very high frequency energies with it.  It’s about using this energy to make things happen.  April will bring a lot of powerful energy shifts.  This energy is meant to guide us into a better alignment.  That’s why this is the best time to come back into, or to find a deeper alignment.  This weekend’s Libra Full Moon is all about bringing things back into harmony and balance.  The energy the rest of this week is all about relationships.  The focus should be on your love life.  For some this could mean more clearing of the past, or anything blocking you from opening up more fully.  It’s a great time for working on or healing your personal relationships.  This is a powerful time to be clearing and healing with the Full Moon energies.  It’s also powerful for manifesting. Pay attention to any inspiration your receiving.  Your angels are sending you messages in the form of creative ideas.  We are in the last couple of days of the y-Normid Meteor Shower.  It’s still active til the 28th.  You may get lucky and see a Meteor or a Shooting Star this week.  That always adds to the magical vibes.

art: @floatingheavy