Tag: libra

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…



    The 22nd will kick off some major energies.  Tomorrow is the Equinox, and we also shift into Libra Season.  Expect heightened energies, and heightened magic.  We will be continuing to feel the energies of the Equinox over the next few weeks.  Sep 25th we have a Libra New Moon.  That makes this week very important…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    The next few weeks are going to bring us some powerful Cosmic Energies.  We have kicked off Eclipse Season, a Meteor Season, a Shooting Star Season, and we will be passing through dust from Halley’s Comet.  Tonight we have a once in a lifetime astrological alignments.  It’s the Jupiter/ Neptune conjunction in Pisces.  Both are…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Things are slowing down a little right now.  We still however have a lot of energy coming in.  We will all have to adjust to some of the upgrades we are going through.  This month will continue to bring a lot of upgrades and activations.  August is a powerful month for doing energy work.  Today…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    We are still in some powerful energies.  We are still going to be really feeling the effects of the Equinox energies, over the next few weeks.  During this time we can expect a huge amount of Plasma Solar Energies to continue to stream in.  Last night a CME made impact, hitting Earth’s magnetic field.  Right…

  • Super New Moon In Libra…

    Tonight’s New Moon In Libra is powerful.  It’s actually the second Super Moon of three to occur in a row.  This Super New Moon is really close to the Earth.  That means the energy is so much stronger.  We are really feeling the gravitational pull.  Let’s just say things are extra magnetic right now.  That’s…

  • On This Week’s Energies…

    Your body should be naturally going into rest mode this week.  Today Mercury shifts retrograde in Scorpio.  This means we now have 4 planets in retrograde as it joins Mars, Uranus, and Neptune.  The Comet Chiron is also still in retrograde.  This week it will be amplifying any healing issues that are going on that…