Category: Astrology

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    The Moon and the Pleiades will cross the sky together tonight.  This is bringing us a beautiful energy and a beautiful Pleiadian vibe.  It’s a great time to see the Pleiades.  They will be visible a few hours after sunset and remain visible until dawn.  Jupiter will also meet up with the Moon tonight.  We…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Happy Aries Super Moon!  This is the third of four consecutive Super Moons.  This is the biggest and brightest Super Moon of the year.  This Full Moon is bringing major healing vibes.  It’s conjunct Chiron, that means it’s bringing to the surface and open wounds or trauma triggers to be delt with.  We also have…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Today Venus is trine Neptune.  This is bringing a dreamy vibe for your love life.  Speaking of dreams pay attention to your dreams right now.  Over the next few months they will be giving you glimpses into other lifetimes, and even past lifetimes.  This is bringing a magical energy.  Expect a lot of healing and…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Today starts out with Mercury in Libra Square Pluto in Capricorn.  This may be bringing up feelings, and conversations straight from the shadows.  Some of the things you’re having to deal with may be making you feel a little vulnerable.  Later today Mercury enters Scorpio, and remains there until Nov 2nd.  With this alignment you…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Today we have Venus trine Mars.  The power of their long alignment is at its peak.  When Venus trines Mars you get an easy flow between action and attraction.  This alignment will bring you moments of passion and romance.  This is a romantic trine.  It’s a blend of passion and sensuality with empathy and nurture. …

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Expect shooting stars tonight.  It’s the peak of the peak of the Draconids Meteor Shower.  It will remain visible thru the 10:10 Portal.  This is an all or nothing meteor shower.  This shower is mostly visible in the early night.  Expect post sunset shooting stars this week.  You want to look towards the constellation Draco,…