Tag: libra

  • Pluto Shifts Direct…

    This is a good time to do some cleaning and cleansing.  We have Pluto that is shifting direct.  This is helping us settle anything karmic.  Pluto rules Scorpio, which represents death and rebirth.  It also governs the psyche and our spiritual powers.  As we are making this shift some people are noticing the resistance of…

  • Entering The Underworld..

    We have a lot we need to bring into balance, both individually and collectively. The wheel is turning and we have shifted seasons into autumn. This is meant to be a time of celebration and gratitude for the progress we have made. Because if this weeks Equinox energy the veil is very thin, which has…

  • Cleansing Full Moon..

    You can no longer ignore this energy guiding you.  Let people judge your journey from the outside, it’s for you to understand within.  People can no longer deny the existence of this energy Source as everything is being brought into the light.  There is a collective resistance happening.  It’s time you understand this New World…

  • An Energy Report- Preparing For The New Moon

    This geomagnetic energy is preparing us for the next New Moon Monday.  Pluto is adding drama and intensity to things.  This is a time to eliminate any poison from your life.  Neptune could be bringing out any relationship issues.  We are being asked to move forward to new lessons.  This requires lots of letting go…

  • New Cosmic Energy Cycles..

    The collective had to complete a certain amount of karmic lessons to reach this place.  There are certain lessons our souls must learn in separation.  There are major changes occurring to bring humanity back to a place of Oneness.  A rewiring is taking place, a rewiring to higher consciousness.  Old blocks are being removed, in…

  • We Have A New Moon Thursday..

    October 19th we have a New Moon in the sign of Libra. This energy is all about finding more balance. We need to use both our heart and our third eye chakras right now. Each is a key to the higher dimensions. We are such a left brained society that we have forgotten how to…