Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Light workers are people who volunteered before incarnating here to come help the planet. Each light worker has a sacred purpose, we are healers. However, Earth is very dense so when your used to high levels of consciousness this can…

  • We see reincarnation in the cycles of nature, day and night, or in the motion of the planets. A perfect example of reincarnation is a plant grows, dies, and release seeds, thus it is reborn. Reincarnation is the rebirth of…

  • How Do I Know If My Third Eye Is Open There is so much hidden power in the human brain. The pineal gland is a small, cone shaped, gland in the middle of your brain. When your pineal gland is…

  •   Aura Color Meanings Many healers believe that when the colors of the human aura are out of balance it will have a negative affect on the body and cause health problems. Auras can reveal information about someone’s thought, feelings,…

  • Here we look at 25 signs your are awakening and go through each one a little bit.  This list is not all inclusive by any means, but it’s a great way to see if you are on the right track…

  • There is a lot of information channeled, and written, about the Fifth Dimension. Humanity is ascending into a new realm of existence. Many people are experiencing their own version of visions and downloads about the Fifth Dimension. The dimensions are…