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Here we look at 25 signs your are awakening and go through each one a little bit. This list is not all inclusive by any means, but it’s a great way to see if you are on the right track to being spiritually awake.
- You move into a better job, one that represents your core self better. Your passion and your mission are basically the same.
You will experience greater financial abundance.
Your dreams should come true and easily.
You will attract a new partner, or your current partner have a relationship based only on companionship. There should be no control issues. This should be someone you want to grow and evolve with, someone you love, and adore.
When you evolve to a certain point you will be reunited with your twin flame. This is someone that is a total reflection of you. This is you, so being together is complete oneness. This will bring you to a unity with Source, like you have never experienced before.
You will loose interest in almost everything in your life. You will evolve out of the Third Dimension, which is drama and emotions.
You will loose interest in new age and religious stuff.
You know anything you need will be provided for you, and always will be.
You will stop trying to control things, you no longer feel a need to aka things happen. You realize there is a Divine plan out of grasp for your human mind.
You stop thinking and rely only on feelings and knowing.
You no longer will care about what anyone else thinks about you.
You understand there is no duality, or polarity, no right and wrong, good or bad. Everything is Divine.
You will realize that there is no dark and light, all dark is is a lack of light. All energy is always going to support light.
You will loose your desire to read books, or research. You are now wired directly to Source, so you gather information directly by feeling and knowing.
Your health is improving, you will experience miracles with your body, your DNA is changing.
You will return to a simple way of doing things. You will desire a simple lifestyle.
You Will start to slow down. You will start to experience life at a slower, more zenned out way. The entire Universe will just line things up for you now.
You will purify everything in your life. You won’t tolerate mundane responsibilities. Your ego has died and only your Divine essence remains.
You will be able to easily pick up on others thoughts, desires, and feelings. You are an empath and your becoming telepathic.
You will be able to control your emotions easily. Your mind creates your reality, so you realize fear cannot exist in your mind without it existing in your world.
Everything around you has little effect on you. You stop taking things personal, and you stop getting upset.
You will crave creativity. You will be most in alignment with Source when you are following your passion for creating.
You laugh more, Source wants to laugh and play with his creations.
You will love more and have more compassion. You will experience higher states and higher frequencies of love and joy.
You live in the now, or the moment. You realize now is all there is, all your stress will melt away when you can achieve living in the now.
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