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An Energy Update…
The Solar and Geomagnetic activity are low and the Schumann Resonance has been back to calm and stable. It’s going to very quiet and dreamy the next few days. This is the time to cocoon and rest. The Planets are actually doing much better today. The entire Universe is supporting us in every way. Today the Moon trines Neptune. This energy is all about rising up and connecting with something bigger then ourselves. This is an amazing time to connect to your purpose or your mission. It’s powerful energy to be channeling in a creative way. Neptune is helping us to tap into our spiritual gifts. Expect an increase in psychic awareness and to be more tuned in to the needs of the people around you. This also means you need to have better boundaries. Really tune into your intuition the next few days. Your direction should be more clear. Yesterday we started a ten day in a row period of Galactic Activation Portal Days. This is a powerful Portal space where we will be working on our DNA. Expect a huge influx of Galactic Energies filled with New Light Codes. We are integrating a lot of Cosmic Energies right now. We have lots of family healing coming up. Clearing and healing outdated ancestral belief systems, generational karma, and past imprints from within our DNA. Clearing old/ stuck emotions, may be experiencing tingling/ itchy, crown chakra upgrades, headaches, feeling dizzy, feeling ready for a change, nausea, or even tired. This weekend will bring another blast of Energies. Half way through this Gateway the 4.4 Portal will fully peak and open. The 4.4 Portal will bring some powerful Energies and Activations. 4 represents the energies of the Archangels. Your connection with the Angels and the Angelic Realms are extra strong during this time. The number 44 is a message that the Angels and Archangels are with you, and guiding you. You may be also feeling your Loved Ones in Spirit or your Spirit Guides a little extra right now.
art: @lyla_ab
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