On The Energies…

Today is the first day of Aquarius Season.  The cosmic fog that we have been moving through is now clearing.  Aquarius is the water bear.  It’s also a very collective oriented sign.  The Aquarius New Moon that happens the 21st will be making waves.  This is the first New Moon of 2023.  This New Moon is all about clearing attachments, cutting cords, and leaving behind toxic patterns.  It’s a great time to be doing some energy clearing work.  You will need extra self care, as you may be integrating a lot right now.  This Aquarius New Moon will be aligned with Jupiter.  This is helping us to turn our manifestations and dreams into reality.  Expect sudden shifts in how you’re feeling, will bring bursts of optimism and shifts towards good fortune.  Get ready for a powerful combination of Air and Fire elements that are kicking off this Aquarius Season.  We have been going through some extreme weather on the Sun.  We are seeing such an increase in the Galactic Energies, Solar Flares, and CME’s coming at us.  CME’s particles are large clouds of plasma.  Let’s just say we are feeling these energies.  It’s all about healing right now within them.  If you are not healing you probably will be experiencing lots of ascension symptoms.  Major incoming DNA activations.  If you took the DNA from your trillions of cells and laid it out from one end to another, it would reach the sun and back 70 times.  Most of your DNA still is lying dormant.  That’s why it’s so important that you are healing to be able to integrate these changes.  Our DNA is our blueprint  and the reason why so many are functioning on the basic 2 strand/ 3D level still.  Healing is the first step towards DNA activation.  You must clear the karmas and layers of trauma you have picked up from this lifetime, your past lifetimes, and from within your ancestral/ family line.  These energies are bringing in new light codes for your DNA.  As your DNA is activating you’ll be able to tap into more of your gifts, and memories from other lifetimes.

art:@ hey.glittery