The Energies Of 2020…

We are going to continue to have a lot of energies streaming in.  I am someone who is very sensitive to these energies.  I can always feel and tell what’s coming.  These energies really just amplify anything already going on.  2020 will be powerful for the collective.  We will continue through this Eclipse gateway until the next Lunar Eclipse in Cancer January 10th.  This energy is very powerful and we can be using it as we pass through it.  It’s a bridge to the new and the structures of the old will not be able to withstand these new higher frequencies.  We will see a tower moment where many political and financial changes unfold rapidly.  Just as the collective must evolve, so does the physical body.  We will need to change everything we are doing not in alignment with these new energies.  Your body is nothing more then a projection of your spiritual state.  It’s beginning to crystallise.  For any indigos this is the turning point in your story.  Everything you came here for.  For those not flowing in these new states, or for anyone still feeling ascension symptoms it’s time to make some changes.  We have many new areas in our bodies activating.  In the next several months we will be feeling a surge of emotions as we adjust to many new areas activating.  Just as our bodies are going through a huge transformation so are the celestial bodies.  We are going to see some serious Earth changes ahead of us as well.  We are going to see the Sun also continuing to activate and evolve.  For those that have been doing the inner work your needed on your missions.  There is a reason you have had so much extra time to work on yourself.  Those who have not shifted to service may be getting much harder lessons.  This is pure Source energy that will continue to enlighten this Planet.  It goes where it’s needed and is affecting each person on an individual level.  2020 will require us to master manifestation.  This energy is a creative force and it’s important to remember you are writing your own story.  It’s time to get creative.