Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We are all shifting from our current state of limited consciousness to a higher vibration and a higher level of consciousness. We are freeing ourselves from anything that isn’t serving us and we are evolving spiritually. We are evolving past…

  • We are about to have a full moon December 14th in Gemini. This is a powerful moon position. The Gemini has two T crosses that represent long running astrological themes. We also have one T cross caused by Jupiter in…

  • Your Merkaba is a hologram of love, it is also a sacred geometric pattern, which created the whole Universe. It is based on Divine love, which is a pattern of unconditional love. Everything in the Universe resonates with it. This…

  • Everyone’s soul is pure Divine energy. Your soul is made up of 12 equal flames, these are energy shards, that vibrate at the same frequency. Your soul vibrates at a frequency that is in tune with its blueprint. We all…

  • To Whom It May Concern, I push myself by stepping out of my comfort zone to do live videos for everyone. I have been getting a lot of negativity projected toward my inbox on Facebook as a result. I do…

  • We have an entire solar system that’s coming toward us. This solar system is made up of a dark star, it’s smaller then our sun, which hosts seven orbiting bodies, some smaller then our moon, and a couple of them…