Sacred Marriage

Everyone’s soul is pure Divine energy. Your soul is made up of 12 equal flames, these are energy shards, that vibrate at the same frequency. Your soul vibrates at a frequency that is in tune with its blueprint. We all have the choice to raise our vibrational frequency and ascend. As we do raise our vibrational frequency we become more in tune with the cosmos and its pulse. We did not come here alone, we always incarnate with our soul group. This means that as the that your on the same frequency and vibration as your soul group. Your entire soul group vibrates together into higher dimensional states. Your soul group belongs to a cluster of soul groups, these all form an energy pool. We all come from the same Source, as in we are all one. The goal is to complete yourself as a person and to reunite with your twin flame. This is someone with the exact same vibrational frequency. This love, and sexual energy is divine and pure, it is life force energy. This energy is so beautiful, it is meant to be used with immense love and to create. This is the merging together of the Divine masculine and the Divine feminine, this is the flame that resides in the Creator himself. Two separate entities come together as one. These flames have a third component that is unseen, this is revered to as the Holy Spirit. These three components form a sacred triad. This is the foundation of all creation. This is Sacred Marriage.