On The Energies..

We are shifting.  We continue through this Energy Gateway.  It’s acting as a bridge carrying us into the new.  The things no longer serving you are falling away.  The people and situations that are no longer a match to your energy are dissipating around you.  We are simply clearing space for the new to arrive.  We are being tested right now.  Yes, each new level requires you to pass the current tests in order to move forward into a new energetic dynamic.  A lot of these tests will be how you respond to the things around you.  Just as the Earth’s geomagnetic field is expanding affecting human consciousness.  There is a heart chakra expansion occurring.  This has always been a journey back to Divine love.  To merge back into Oneness on every level requires a certain level of mastery over self love.  The lessons this month are meant to shift your focus back to yourself.  The next phase of your journey will require you setting aside those not aligned with who you are spiritually.  The theme this year will be spiritual union.  Love should be your only focus.