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Midsummer Fairy Portal and Capricorn Super Full Moon…
Capricorn Full Moon and Midsummer Fairy Portal. Today’s Full Moon happens to be on Midsummer Day. During this time the veil between worlds is really thin. In these thin spaces fairies and spirits can visit us in our world, and we can sense them more in ours. Today is a day of magic, where other worlds open up. This Full Moon is happening just a few days after the Solstice so it’s one of the brightest, and lightest, Moons of the year. It’s also the fourth, and last Supermoon of the year. The Earthy Vibes of today’s Strawberry Moon are very much needed. The Planetary Energies are changing and we are feeling the Higher Frequency Energies of the New Earth. These Capricorn Full Moon energies will help us integrate the Solstice Upgrades we are still very much feeling. This Full Moon forms a beautiful alignment with Jupiter in Pisces. These are very positive energies. These energies are encouraging you to slow down and to rest more. It’s important that your really taking care of yourself, and are really working on your heart chakra more right now. We are still in a huge burst of energy though. It’s an amazing energy to get back into your work flow. This Capricorn Full Moon is all about the hard work you have been doing, and the work you have left to do. This energy is pushing us to find more balance between our work and home lives. This Cancer Season will feel good as it’s bringing an at home vibe. Mercury Retrograde is over but we are still in a two week Retroshade. That means these energies are also showing you the healing work that you have left to do. This Moon is also known as a Full Rose Moon. It’s a symbol of the Priestess. The Moon is the Feminine energy and the Sun is the Masculine energy. There is a powerful combination of both energies still merging together from the Solstice and today’s Full Moon. If your in a relationship these energies will help bring things into more of a balance. They can be very romantic energies. It’s also a great time to make your own magic. This Moon is amazing for cleansing, healing, and charging your crystals.
art: @ramonlaasc
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