This Weeks Shifts…

We have a busy week astrologically and energetically.  Tonight we have a New Moon in Scorpio.  This is the element of water so it rules the emotional.  We are between worlds and dimensions this time of year.  It’s beginning to get darker, giving us more of a glimpse into the subconscious.  We still have Chiron in retrograde which is giving us an opportunity to clear and heal any old wounds.  This New Moon symbolises a powerful new beginning.  It is a great opportunity to find closure with anything that has been stressing you out.  There is a resurrection occurring with this New Moon.  We are seeing a death and rebirth occurring with the self.  Old perceptions and distortions are waiting to be released.  We still have a lot of energy coming into the Planet.   The Schumann Resonance was hitting 60 Hz yesterday.  We can expect several more highly charged waves of this energy over the next few days.  These energy bursts have a radioactive element.  They are being sent to assist us in the evolution of our DNA.  On Thursday Mercury will shift retrograde and we will celebrate Samhain.  This Mercury Retrograde may be intense for love because of its placement conjunct Venus.  This is a rare placement.  There is a remembering occurring and the soul will not be satisfied unless it is in a Divine Union.  We can expect to see a lot of relationship shifts occurring with this placement.  This influx of energy has been preparing us for Samhain.  Samhain marks a time when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest.  The past, present, and future are all one during this time.  It’s a time when our ancestors and loved ones return.  It’s a glimpse into the other worlds.  It’s a great time to leave an offering or to attend a ceremony.  This week is powerful for seeding our intentions and our dreams.

Here is the link to sign up for our Samhain ceremony.  This will be a powerful transmission…