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Tips For Mercury Retrograde…
Tomorrow we celebrate Samhain and shift into Mercury Retrograde. We have a lot of changes occurring and it’s best to learn how to flow with them. We have be through a lot of shifts this year. This is preparing us to enter 2020. This is a powerful time if year. Samhain is a time for receiving messages from the other realm. As the veil continues to thin you may be noticing a lot etheric downloads or more vivid dreams. Samhain is the perfect time to create an alter, do a ritual, or a ceremony. It’s a time to honour the dead. Our spirit guides are reaching out to us during this time. Mercury Retrograde and the shift in seasons is reminding us to slow down. The remainder of 2019 will show us things we have left to clear and heal. This time of year is always about clearing space. Here are some great ways to flow with Mercury Retrograde.
-Cleaning projects. It’s a great time to clean out your closets or even basement. If you have paperwork to organise, now is the time.
-Any unfinished projects should be resolved. If you have things you can’t wrap up, let them go. Mercury Retrograde is the best space to complete any unfinished business.
-If old people from your past resurface it could be karma left unresolved. If your seeing old friends or relationships trying to reconnect, use your discernment. This could be a sign you never fully released these things.
-Try not to sign contracts. It’s not a good time to purchase a home or to commit to matters of business.
-Don’t breakup. If your in a relationship it’s best to not make any drastic decisions like a break up.
-Be careful your not misunderstanding people on social media. Any type of email or text message may not work. Electronics tend to go haywire during Mercury Retrogrades. The last two Mercury Retrogrades Facebook crashed.
-More self love. This is a time to reflect. Spend more time alone, rest if you need it.
One response to “Tips For Mercury Retrograde…”
Do you think that applying for jobs or starting a new career are good things to do during Mercury retrograde? I’ve been told that computer systems will act weird, as you mentioned. But have also heard that paperwork may not go through or may get lost.
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