The Biggest Solar Flare Since 2017…

This week we had the biggest solar flare hit since 2017.  The Ascension energies are not only going to get very intense this year, they are leading us into a new paradigm ultimately.  This is not just solar flare energy hitting its Galactic energy.  This energy is recoding and restructuring the human body, activating us to our fullest potential.  This year is the completion of a two year cleansing cycle for humanity.  The day of purification as prophesied.  The frequencies will continue to go up, changing the entire construct of this Planet as Gaia makes her spiritual Ascension back to Source.  Today’s Schumann Resonance is peaking at 36 HZ and hitting right below 40 HZ.  40 HZ induces brain wave states that affect our state of consciousness, pushing us into lucidity. These vertical lines that have been disappearing are showing the magnitude of the collective shifts occurring during this time.  This solar energy and Galactic energy ultimately will become so intense it will push this Planet into the New Earth, or The Event.

This energy is amazing for Ascension Upgrades! Check out our DNA upgrades for a real level up with this Galactic energy!