Stripping Away The Illusion..

Let go of what you think you know about how things should be.  With Neptune in Pisces for the first time in 164 years we will now watch the illusion crumble.  You were always the glue holding it together.  This is the time in which the world will awaken.  Instead of using this as an opportunity for growth many will seek to blame external forces for their circumstances.  Chiron is bringing up old wounds.  We all hold many with these systems.  Past lives we are clearing here and now.  The world is on fire, but it’s out of these flames that a new one will emerge.  Instead of moving forward many are desperately trying to change the old.  You can’t interfere with Divine will.  This is the Universal plan that we are all so much a part of.  We are collectively taking back our power.  For the first time people are revoking their consent, by saying no.  Your voice will create the change your soul so seeks.  People are realising that by not speaking it’s our implied consent.  Now is time to find your voice.  The material has always been temporary, the spiritual infinite.  The 3rd dimension has become the ultimate battle for control.  A war for control over your perception.  Everything about your reality manipulated to change how you view the world.  Out of destruction always comes the space you need to create something new.  As we close up this year allow yourself space to do so.  Clear out the dead frequencies from your life.  This will lift you more then you know.