The Ascension Of The Second Wave..

The second wave arrived to the ultimate ware-fare on the psyche.  The healers became the ultimate targets.  It’s known if you damage a healer they become unable to heal.  If you damage them bad enough they will harm anyone they come into contact with energetically.  Just to strengthen this version of reality the Diagnosis of Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders was rewritten in preparation.  The ultimate in psychological warfare.  The world was not prepared for a wave of children arriving able to feel in a numb world.  The abilities that we brought also brought a lot of fear from the sleepers.  The objective to use these labels to enslave this wave into illness.  They did an amazing job too.  Manipulating timelines, relationships and the circumstances surrounding your reality.  This is always been a war on how you perceive your reality.  These illnesses always came with the cure, the cure to their problem as soon as you took those pills.  The ultimate war on your frequency and all with your consent.  Souls sought out for their abilities.  You were not born asleep you were put to sleep.  Love is their ultimate access point.  The aim to close you off to it through fear.  Love is where the strength of a healer comes from.    They knew if they could keep the healers from awakening we would be unable to heal this world.  We now shake off the labels.  As we Awaken it’s being felt across the Planet, triggering this mass awakening for humanity.  The war for control has now moved on to the rainbow children and their abilities.