On The Energies…

Today is the peak of this year’s May Pleiadian Portal.  During this time we can access the energy of the Pleiades with greater ease.  Our Sun is now aligned with Alcyone, the brightest star of the Pleiades.  Alcyone is also the Central Sun of the Pleiades.  Our entire astral system revolves around Alcyone.  The Pleiades shifts into its full alignment passing behind our sun May 21st.  Expect a ton of Pleiadian energies and energies from our Sun.  We are downloading new light codes to help us create more within our awakening.  The next couple of months ahead are powerful for what we are manifesting.  Expect a lot of DNA Upgrades over the remainder of this Portal.  Today we have a powerful conjunction between Mars and Chiron.  This will set off a series of fated events.  It also means we are healing wounds around the masculine.  Old wounds may be coming up for you to deal with.  This alignment is all about embracing your vulnerabilities and confronting and healing your deepest wounds.  There are some past hurts that you need to acknowledge.  This alignment often times brings you to a crossroads of your life.  It’s all about where you’re going moving forward.  These energies are all about healing and transformation.  It’s all about integrating and letting go of past hurts.

art: @blackrosesandsparklythings_