I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…

We are in the peak of the Pleiadian Portal.  This is its strongest point.  We are receiving a huge influx of Galactic Energies.  Our Central Sun, and Sun are now Aligned with Alcyone, the Central Sun of the Pleiades.  You want to be tapping into these energies.  I’ll be doing healings and activations today.  Here are the links to sign up…

5:21 Sun/ Pleiadian Conjunction Twin Flame Clearing For Soul Wounds…


5:21 Sun/ Pleiadian Conjunction Twin Flame Healing…


5:21 Sun/ Pleiadian Conjunction Starseed Healing…


5:21 Sun/ Pleiadian Conjunction Twin Flame Infinity Activation…


5:21 Sun/ Pleiadian Conjunction Activation…



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