Starseed Healing

£ 211.00

Raise your frequency.  This is amazing for overall healing and connecting with your souls mission.  Shift into a deeper energetic alignment and resonance.  Clear anything blocking your awakening, ascension, or Starseed mission.  Tap into more spiritual downloads and other forms of communication with the Pleiades.  Upgrade your energy.  Make sure you’re vibrating at a 5D […]



Raise your frequency.  This is amazing for overall healing and connecting with your souls mission.  Shift into a deeper energetic alignment and resonance.  Clear anything blocking your awakening, ascension, or Starseed mission.  Tap into more spiritual downloads and other forms of communication with the Pleiades.  Upgrade your energy.  Make sure you’re vibrating at a 5D level.  Raise your frequency.  Become more multidimensional.  Open up more of your awareness.  Let go of and release any negative energies that are holding you back.  Open up more of your higher potential.  Hold more light.  Bring online more of your Pleiadian qualities of being very loving, compassionate, and empathic.  Becoming more creative.  Opening up to bring more intuitive and psychic.  This healing will strengthen the connection to your Higher Self and Guides.   Receive more messages, visions, or dreams from your star family or other beings of light.


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