On The Energies…

Welcome to June.  You’re probably feeling the high energies.  That’s because this month brings the Summer Solstice.  June 3 is our Sagittarius Full Moon.  This Strawberry Moon will ripen close to Midnight and will appear full for about three days.  Next week starts out with a bang as Monday Venus shifts into Leo for a four month journey, until Oct 8th.  Venus will shift Retrograde in Leo from July 22nd to Sep 3rd.  Venus Retrograde is a transit that brings up any issues around love and money.  Because this Retrograde takes place in Leo it’s stirring up things around past relationships you have already been through, and where you’re at with your love life.  Tuesday is the 6:6 Portal.  Huge for your awakening and the activations you’re receiving.  We have a theme of self care coming up for June.  There is a huge focus on healing family and your ancestral line right now.  We have shooting stars kicking off now too with the 6:6 Portal.  June 7th is the peak of the Daytime Arietids.  It’s the strongest daytime meteor shower of the year.  June 10th we have the Pleiades return for a powerful alignment.  The Pleiades are making their first morning appearance and will be supercharging our Sun.  June 16th our Moon passes 2° from the Pleiades in the morning.  Powerful alignment between our Waning Crescent Moon and the Pleiades.  June 17th kicks off Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius.  This years Saturn Retrograde can feel like a wake up call.  All about better boundaries this year.  June 17th we also have a rare planetary alignment as Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, Uranus, and Mercury all line up in the morning sky.  5 planets in a row just before Sunrise.  Cancer Season and the Summer Solstice kick off June 21st.  Expect huge Shifts!  The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year.  Expect about 16 hours of sunlight! The Summer Solstice marks the first day of Summer.  We then celebrate Midsummer June 24th.  This is one of my favorite Fairy Gateways too.

art: @glitterilicious