Tag: venus retrograde

  • I’m Doing Activations Today…

    I’m Doing Activations Today…

    Today Venus Retrograde in Leo Squares Jupiter In Taurus.  Our Leo Sun just merged with the Nodes Of Destiny over the past few days.  The Planet of Love now merges into these energies.  Opening us up to destined connections and good fortune.  Todays alignment will be heating up your love life.  I’m doing activations today. …

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Today is an auspicious day as Venus Retrograde in Leo squares off with Jupiter in Taurus.  You may be feeling your emotions extra strong today.  You’re becoming more and more empathic as the frequencies continue to rise on Earth.  You may be feeling more sensitive to the energies today, or the things coming up for…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    With Venus still Retrograde and Mercury shifting Retrograde it’s time to slow down.  Mercury will shift into Retrograde in Virgo the 23rd.  That’s the day Virgo Season also begins.  A lot of inner work is coming up right now, especially in relationships.  These energies are bringing up older deeper rooted issues for healing.  We have…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Today is a Galactic Activation Portal Day.  We are in the last few days of the Lions Gate Portal.  We are also preparing for another Galactic Activation Portal Day on the 13th.  This is also our Venus Star Point.  We are integrating a lot of energies and a lot of upgrades.  Expect the DNA and…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Leo shifts into Venus today.  This will so affect your love life until Oct 8th.  Venus rules Love and Money, but also the Divine Feminine.  Leo is the sign of Love and Romance.  This combination will turn up the heat on your love life.  July 22nd Venus begins its backwards spin in Retrograde that lasts…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Welcome to June.  You’re probably feeling the high energies.  That’s because this month brings the Summer Solstice.  June 3 is our Sagittarius Full Moon.  This Strawberry Moon will ripen close to Midnight and will appear full for about three days.  Next week starts out with a bang as Monday Venus shifts into Leo for a…