On The Energies…

Leo shifts into Venus today.  This will so affect your love life until Oct 8th.  Venus rules Love and Money, but also the Divine Feminine.  Leo is the sign of Love and Romance.  This combination will turn up the heat on your love life.  July 22nd Venus begins its backwards spin in Retrograde that lasts until Sep 3rd.  It will be Retrograde 1 month and 11 days!  We will be going into a Retroshade starting July 8th.  This is the start of the two week shadow before a Retrograde.  During this Retrograde Venus will dive fully into Underworld.  This will be a period of deep healing for you.  Old relationships or people from the past may pop back up.  It’s for closure.  Many of you have been stuck on the old and are needing to release blocks and move on.  Major relationship shifts are happening.  That’s because you’re going through so many changes right now! August 13th Venus Retrograde meets the Sun! Expect major downloads on this day about your love life. Venus Retrograde will form a trine with Chiron Retrograde in Aries.  We have Chiron Retrograde from July 23rd to Dec 26th.  Chiron helps us to go within so that we can remove blocks to healing.  Love is in the air starting today! For some that will be extra gushy, beautiful, and romantic.  For others it may bring up major past wounds and be showing you that you need to heal your heart more! You’re being guided into doing more energy work. Today’s energies are amazing for doing activation work, or for showing anyone you love that a little extra.  Amazing energies for getting that Spark back into your love life.  All about going after your Desires.

art: @glitterstayl