On The Energies…

We are feeling the Lunar Energies thru tomorrow.  We always do in that 3 day space! It may be affecting your sleep, or more may be coming up right now.  We have high energies and a lot shifting around this month! This is a good thing.  3:11 we have a Jupiter Conjunct Chiron.  The fire of Aries is and has been bringing some major activations this month.  These energies are all about your path and the lessons you have been integrating.  Healing the past.  Healing the deeper wounds that you carry.  All about feelings and emotions and releasing any blocks in this area.  A slow release of any fear as we are learning to create on greater levels.  We have 4 Galactic Activation Portal Days coming at us this month.  3:13, 3:17, 3:24, and 3:25.  This is adding to the energies.  Expect major Galactic Upgrades on these days.  It’s all about coming into a deeper alignment right now.  Really tapping into what sets your soul on fire.  We are feeling the energies of the Equinox already.  This is a powerful energetic gateway, shifting you into a new start.  New story vibes coming at us with this one.  It’s a time to find balance.  It’s a powerful time for any Twin Flames.  The Spring always brings huge positive shifts in these type of connections.  The Equinox also brings a Shift into Aries, and an Aries New Moon the next day.  The rest of Pisces Season a time to dream.  Seeding good intentions for the path ahead.  We are manifesting fast what we are focused on! Using these energies to put good intentions out for your path ahead.  During the Spring Equinox our Planet begins a dance with the Pleiades.  In the Northern Hemisphere during the Spring Equinox the Pleiades will rise during the day.  Each day the Sun is shifting a little closer into alignment with the Pleiades.  They do a whole dance dance through Beltane that complete on the Summer Solstice as the Pleiades rises right before the dawn.  That means we are receiving extra energy from the Pleiades this month too!

art: @shiningoddess.