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On The Energies…
Today is the third day in a row that is also a Galactic Activation Portal day. We are extra in tune with the galactic heartbeat on these days. It also means the veil between the physical and non-physical world is extra thin. We are still in this Pleiadian Portal as well until this weekend. Today is the peak of that gateway. The frequencies have been going up and we are receiving more and more galactic energies. Today we also shift into Gemini Season. Things should be feeling lighter though. We have a New Moon in Gemini the 22nd. The Pleiadian Portal we are in will make this Moon extra powerful. We have lots of energies from Venus, Mercury, Neptune, and Saturn. So it’s lots of Cosmic energies this week! This is a time to manifest and create. Since we are in Retrograde Season we are meant to be going within. This weeks astrology is actually very positive and it’s encouraging us to see this as the beginning of something amazing. The energies are encouraging us to slow down this year. This is a good time to learn something new or to start a new project. This energy will lead us into Eclipse Season. This energy is meant to be motivating you. There is a lot of inspiration and magic flying around this week.
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