Navigating Eclipse Season..

We have Mercury aligning with Jupiter tonight.  This makes today an extra lucky day.  We are in a powerful space to create.  We have started a new year and are being encouraged to manifest.  We will continue moving forward through this Eclipse Season.  The next Gateway will be the Lunar Eclipse in Cancer January 10th.  This will be a Full Moon as well.  Many are experiencing and living in much higher frequencies now.  We are becoming multidimensional.  This year will be about us stepping into new abilities and learning to navigate the frequencies of the 5th dimension.  We are being asked to stop looking back.  The things we have been carrying around need to be released and healed.  Surrender to where you are now.  Know your in the right place.  Your soul has been guiding you towards an ascension.  With the Eclipse we just went through it’s a powerful time to connect with the Earth.  Get outside, ground, recharge.  We have been absorbing a lot of these energies.  We have a focus on the Earth Star chakra this week.