Manifesting With This Storm

This Space Storm is stirring up the usual elements.  We have lots at play astrological.  This storm is now at its peak.  It’s never been more important that your in control of your mental aspect.  We have a Full Moon in Gemini it’s making you more aware of your conscious programming.  We have Planets shifting in and out of Retrograde.  Venus is direct, this will make your money flow again.  Neptune is moving direct shaking up the illusion and our dreamstates.  Mercury the messenger of the Gods is Retrograde pushing us to let go of the past.  These energetic dynamics are creating gateways.  Sunday is the luckiest day of the year in terms of manifesting.  Your going to ride this energy wave until then.  There are many distractions around you.  This is not the time to allow yourself these distractions.  Your needed to be doing gridwork and manifesting with this storm.  There is a daily war occurring over the main consciousness grid.  Because of this you were unplugged, we had the need to create our own grids.  Your vibration is crucial in keeping them operational.  The fate of humanity lies within your vibration frequency and your intent.  Remain focused on only what you want to materialise with this storm.  The entire Universe is around you, your thoughts are about to form it into your reality.  This is a month of instant manifestation.  Use this gateway for whatever it is your creating.