Full Moon In Aquarius…

We have a Full Moon in Aquarius tonight.  This Full Moon is really being felt as we are right in the middle of this Lions Gate Portal.  We are getting used to the energies of 5D and many people are beginning to feel it within the physical body.  These are much higher frequencies and it will take some getting used to.  These energies are activating different things within.  Many of you are going through a spiritual awakening and may even be remembering your a Starseed.  Starseeds are advanced souls that came from different planets, solar systems, stars or even galaxies.  Many of you wanted to be here at this time to assist with this shift in consciousness.  The energy of this Full Moon should be waking you up to the fact that your here for something much bigger then yourself at this time.  You should be sensing or even know that you have an important mission.  Aquarius is all about individual expression.  It’s important that we realise we each have a unique path.  It’s important that we are tuning into our own internal guidance at this time.  For many this Lions Gate Portal energy will be a star gate into the awakening.  Many will be waking up from these energies with a roar! This Planet is being flooded with lots of Sirian energies at this time.  Powerful light codes and downloads are coming in.  This is a really good time to meditate and to connect with this Sun.  This is the best time to work on your heart chakra and your third eye.  Many of you may be even getting more information on your galactic past.  It’s a powerful energy and some people may be releasing or clearing heart chakra blockages.  We still have a lot of work to do with the heart chakra.  We still have 5 planets retrograde this month as well.  Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, and Chiron.  These are outer planets, but they still are shaking things up.  Anytime we are in a retrograde we are meant to slow down and to work on healing.  Since we are in Leo Season things may seem to be moving fast.  We are going through a lot of accelerated growth right now.  Take good care of yourself right now.  Make sure your ready for the peak and full opening of this Lions Gate Portal, which is 8/8.

Don’t miss our Lions Gate Meditation we are doing Saturday…
