Energy Forecast…

We are seeing an increase in energies.  Yesterday was a Galactic Activation Portal day and many felt the increase in energies.  The Schumman Resonance hit 110 Hz.  It was feeling pretty good.  Many have been struggling with the collective energies.  We have had some intense shifts the past few months.  We have done a huge release.  This Super Moon Season will end May 9th.  We are seeing how powerful four Full Super Moons in a row are.  We are making a massive shift today as we shift from Aries Season to Taurus Season.  This next month will be some of the most powerful manifesting energy of the year.  We still have huge streams of 444 energy coming in.  This month long portal closes Wednesday.  We also have a New Moon In Taurus the same day.  This energy will get us ready for the 5/5 portal.  This gateway will be extra powerful.  This will lead us into some intense energetic upgrades.  We are also preparing for the next Eclipse Season which will be some intense energies.  Many are having a hard time adjusting to these new energies.  We are going through a huge process within the physical body.  These energies are triggering anything that may need to be healed, and that goes for the collective too.  Many are now realising that this comes down to your frequency.  We can expect more and more of these energies.  It will require us to navigate reality differently.  We are going to have to push past the programming and get back to energy.  This energy is awakening many.  We can expect to see a huge transformation occur the next two years.  This will occur individually, but also is becoming more and more apparent across the collective.  These Taurus energies may feel dense to many but they are anything but.  Taurus is a master of their personal energy.  This Taurus Season is a good time to be making power moves, especially when it comes to financial matters or relationships.