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On The Energies…
We have a lot going on energetically this week. Expect a a ton of powerful energies. We kick things off with today’s 222 Portal. This Stargate is a powerful Doorway meant to lead you to your Manifestations. The energy it’s bringing with it, is meant to move things forward. These are Galactic Energies that are streaming in through the Central Sun, and our Sun. Expect tons of Solar Winds this week as things amp up. That means we are seeing tons of Solar Light Codes. Expect big Shifts! This week is all about the DNA and Light Body Upgrades. The energy is picking up and moving forward with quite the momentum. The 222 Portal is all about the Divine Feminine and the High Priestess. It will be bringing with it lots of Goddess Codes. These Ascension Codes are meant to activate more of our psychic senses. 222 is all about balance and manifesting miracles. It also contains the number 22, which represents working on your spiritual life path and soul purpose. The veil is also really thin as we are passing through this Gateway. You may be sensing spirits or angels. Expect the energies to build over the next few days as we prepare for this weeks Virgo Full Moon. This Moon will be bringing a lot of healing energy with it. Tonight is a good night to look for Rainbow Stars coming from within the Winter Circle.
art: @artpvb
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