On The Energies…

Happy 5:5 portal! This is a powerful manifestation portal.  Today is also a powerful Galactic Activation Portal Day.  You want to be tapping into these energies to be doing some type of energy work.  Today is a beautiful Elohim/ Pleiadian Portal.  We have powerful Angelic/ Galactic Energies coming through.  That makes today powerful for connecting to and working with your Angels.  Pay attention to what is coming through.  The veil is thin.  That means the spiritual is much more open.  That means you’re getting a ton of direct guidance.  Pay attention to the spiritual downloads that you’re getting.  Today and tomorrow is the peak of the Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower.  Earth is passing through a stream of debris left behind from Halley’s Comet.  These are supercharged energies.  Time to make a wish on that shooting star.  Expect powerful energies for your manifestations.  Taurus Season is all about anchoring your dreams into the physical reality.  It’s about getting clear on what you want and making it happen on a physical level.  Taurus is a builder sign.  It’s a sign very connected with home and family.  One of the strengths this Taurus Season brings us is being determined.  It’s all about going after what you want and making it happen.  We are preparing for our Taurus New Moon that comes at us the 7th.  This New Moon is all about raising our frequency and getting back in tune with ourselves energetically.  Taurus is a sign that very much can feel and sense energy.  It’s a great time to be tapping into your energy senses.

art: @dreammcollage