On The Energies…



It’s Virgo Full Moon week.  It’s all about how you’re taking care of yourself.  When you take care of yourself better, you do better with everything.  It’s all about refilling your cup right now energetically.  It’s a great time to be cleaning and tidying up.   It’s time to get organized on every level.  It’s all about healing and clearing the energies of what is coming up, and of your whole lifetime.  It’s all about shifting into the Goddess energies.  Between Pisces Season and this Virgo Full Moon it’s bringing a healing to our Divine Feminine energies.  Virgo energy is all about getting your finances in order.  It’s great energies for healing financial stressors and worries.  It’s all about investing in yourself and your own healing, and energy.  This Full Moon is all about healing and letting go of past pains and heartache.  It’s all about forgiveness, and compassion.  This is the last Full Moon for the astrological year and the last Full Moon before Eclipse Season begins.  That means it’s all about clearing the energies before we enter into a new cycle.  It will be bringing things to the surface.  Expect powerful energies for manifesting.

art: @kokeeneva