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Tag: virgo full moon
On The Energies
Tonight our Moon aligns with Regulus. Regulus is the heart of the Lion. Regulus is the most royal star. It means Little King. It signifies the power of the lion and the strength of kings. The star Regulus always brings us Spring. It brings a very Leo like energy. It’s associated with leadership, power, and…
On The Energies…
It’s Virgo Full Moon week. It’s all about how you’re taking care of yourself. When you take care of yourself better, you do better with everything. It’s all about refilling your cup right now energetically. It’s a great time to be cleaning and tidying up. It’s time to get organized on every level. It’s…
On The Energies…
This week brings the Shift into Pisces Season and a Virgo Full Moon. It’s all about cleansing and purifying. It’s like clean your entire house and make sure you’re using a lot of sage and Florida Water vibes. You may want to wash your bedding like twice. This Moon belongs to the Goddess. You may…
Happy Virgo Full Moon!
Happy Virgo Full Moon! We are meditating today at Noon Cali time, 8PM UK time. An amazing time to come together to do some healing work! Live FB Video. You just sign up and I send you the group link. Available anytime on replay too. art: @raw_beauty_content
On The Energies…
Tomorrow’s Virgo Full Moon is all about healing and getting healthy. We are so needing too, in order to better integrate the changes happening within the body. The frequencies are going up this year massively. That’s why it’s so important to be raising your own personal frequency. Things like feeling good, being in love and…
We Meditate Tomorrow…
We are meditating for the Virgo Full Moon tomorrow. This Moon aligns with Saturn shifting into Pisces. Making this one of the most important astrological shifts of the year. Powerful Energies for healing. A focus on healing your energy and the energies of the past. We are going to meditate at Noon Cali time, 8pm…
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