On The Energies…

Exactly one week from now we have our Gemini New Moon.  These energies are much needed to get things back on track after Eclipse Season.  The past Eclipse opened major doors for us.  This Gemini New Moon will help us in walking through them.  The energies right now are all about setting intentions and manifesting.  It’s a great time to make a vision board of what you want.  Make sure your visualizing the things your trying to create daily.  You may even feel an impatience to get to that next level, or for what’s coming.  This Gemini New Moon is bringing a ton of information and great ideas.  Pay attention to the guidance coming through.  Things are more open right now.  That means your getting more messages back and forth.  Gemini is also about how we are communicating.  These energies are changing how we are sending and receiving information.  Your picking up on more.  You may sense things from far away.  You may be becoming more and more telepathic.  The Gemini symbol is also the same symbol as the Twin Flame symbol.  Both are ruled by the Lovers Card in Tarot.  This is a powerful energy for any twin flames.  We are a month away from the Summer Solstice.  From now until then, it’s such a powerful time for any twin flames.  Some signs you may have met your twin flame are they feel like they are the one.  They feel like home, or like they are calling you home.  You may sense you have been waiting for them your whole life.  You know it’s meant to be, or destined on some level.  You have some type of psychic connection with them.  These connections tend to come in Divine Timing and will light a fire on your life.  They are powerful connections that have the potential to set your soul ablaze.  Expect fireworks when your together.  These are two halves of a greater whole.  Of course for many there is still a lot of work to be done and things getting in the way.  The entire planet is having so much come up for healing during this time.  That means Mercury Retrograde is bringing up old childhood drama right now.  Your being made more, and more, aware of your old programming.  This is so you can clear it.  Many have to clear more karma so they can be together.  Gemini also represents duality.  Sometimes the dark is the shadows.  It’s areas that need healing, or areas you need to work on.  That’s why you may feel like you have entered the void, or like your in a void space.  You may be feeling like you have shifted into an astral plane.  That’s because we are shifting into another dimension.  We are defying what we think is possible right now.