Happy Lions Gate Portal!

We have a huge week energetically.  We have entered the Lions Gate Portal where we will remain until August 12th.  We have energies steaming in now from the Central Sun, our Sun, Sirius, Orion, and Mintaka.  During the Lions Gate Portal the Earth aligns with Sirius and the Galactic Center of our Milky Way.  This opens up a portal between the physical and spiritual realms.  The Lions Gate Portal will peak and be at its most powerful for 8/8.  During the 8/8 Portal The Great Central Sun, Sirius, our Sun, Orion, and Earth all align.  As the stars align high frequency energies flood the Earth and the collective/ consciousness grids.  These energies activate many of the Earth’s grid points, stargates, and vortex’s,  including the Sphinx, and the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.  These energies will help to awaken and to heal the collective.  The Lions Gate Portal is powerful for DNA activation.  It’s powerful energy to be using for healing.  We are going to be feeling the effects of these energies for weeks.  If your an Empath/ Lightworker/ or Gridworker you may be feeling these energies a little extra.  The Lions Gate Portal energies are great energies for setting intentions and manifesting.  We are always instant manifesting in these energies.  It’s also a great time to meditate or to work with your crystals.

art: @christa.travels.further