Super New Moon In Libra…

We can expect a dramatic energy shift tomorrow. This New Moon in Libra is bringing a lot of energy with it. It is also a Super Moon and one that completes a triad. This is the third Super New Moon to occur in a row. This New Moon marks the beginning of a new Lunar cycle. With any New Moon there is a strong gravitational pull on the elements and our bodies. Because this is a Super Moon the energy will be amplified. This energy is more powerful because of the Autumn Equinox. We are still adjusting to many new energies. With this Super New Moon in Libra we have a need to release more. This cycle we have just entered is about releasing the things no longer serving us. We have more clearing to do. This journey is always about us finding a better alignment. This alignment will be found energetically. Pluto turns direct on October 3rd and is in his own storm. We can expect this shift in his alignment to bring karmic closure and a deeper insight into our own karmic patterns. We can expect to see some powerful tides and storms. Take some time to recalibrate energetically. We are being prepared for 2020 which will bring some powerful waves of ascension energies with it. There is an energetic alchemy that is occurring. These energies can be powerful for finding closure or manifesting. It’s important to remember we are manifesting whether we are consciously aware of it or not. This is a powerful time to be seeding our intentions.

This is an amazing time to set up a healing session or class attunement. These are powerful energies to use!