Scorpio New Moon

The Sun and Moon meet today in Scorpio.  Scorpio is Pluto ruled, God of the Underworld.  This energy is pushing you to remove the layers.  It’s about diving deep within the depths of your soul, too emerge knowing who you are.  The Underworld represents the subconscious.  Are your words matching your thoughts when it comes to manifesting? This is an energy that makes every thought your having right now a seed your planting.  Your intentions will grow, materialising into the physical with the next storm.  It’s important that your thoughts align with how you feel.  This entire process is to bring you back to Divine love.  It’s time to remove any programming blocking you from love, it’s not serving you.  How you feel about love is what you will attract in a partner.  How you feel about yourself will be reflective in all of your relationships.  For so many people they keep getting reflected back the missing love from within.  If you don’t love yourself completely, you will continue to draw incomplete people to you.  This energy is all about personal transformation, and changing your perspective when it comes to love.  It starts with changing how you see and feel about yourself.  This is a healing energy giving you an amazing chance to release any of your limitations.  It’s time to release any emotional programming not serving you.  This is a powerful energy.  Jupiter is preparing to move into Sagittarius.  This is about finding new life.  To do this we must release the old.