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On The Energies…
Today we have a Venus In Capricorn Sextile Saturn In Pisces. This alignment is making you more responsible for your personal relationships. It’s all about healing your love life and healing pattens that may have had you attracting karmic love or karmic connections. All Planets are now direct. This means your relationships will move forward once again. Take advantage of this energy that we are flowing in from now til April. We also have Mercury In Capricorn Conjunct Mars In Capricorn. Mercury and Mars are both in Capricorn, and sync up at the same point in the sky. This is great for helping you to set boundaries, better advocate and express your needs, and to clear connections that aren’t serving you. The energies are all about reflecting on the foundations in which your relationships are being built. Saturn’s encourages stability, responsibility, and commitment. Venus is all about love harmony. It’s all about working on yourself, clearing karma, and bringing a balance to your love life. These energies are all about the karmic ties that bring us together. That makes this a powerful time for clearing past karma, and cutting your cords.
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