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On The Energies…
We have a shift of Mars into Capricorn today. This will kick your ambition and drive up a notch. It’s all about action. It’s all about your goals and making things happen right now. it’s a great time to be making plans for your future. It’s a great time for overcoming obstacles and to be working on projects. It’s also the peak of the Quadrantid Meteor Shower. This Meteor Shower is one of the strongest ones of the year. The Quadrantid Meteor Shower is known for its bright fireballs. Expect large blasts of light and color that last a lot longer than the average meteor streaks. This is our first Celestial Event of 2024. It will be active until Jan 16th. It’s amazing energies for manifesting. It’s a great time to make a wish in a shooting star. We are a week away from the 1:11 Portal and our Capricorn New Moon. This New Moon will kick off the start of a new cycle. This is the time to be planning the next six months of your year. This New Moon also kicks off a six month cycle around your love life. Capricorn is all about commitment and family. Capricorn tends to be very serious about bonds and relationship commitments. This means relationship contracts you may be in are coming up for review. Many have run their course, and you’re being guided to integrate the lessons. it’s a time to be healing and improving your connections. This Capricorn New Moon will bring some much needed order into our lives.
art: @shinewonderland
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