On The Energies…

Today we have our Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces.  This alignment is all about your faith in the spiritual, and going after manifesting your dreams.  You may find yourself lost in your thoughts, or daydreaming more than normal.  This is a dreamy energy.  Your hopes, dreams, emotions, intuition, and the deepest parts of your subconscious are all being highlighted right now.  You may feel extra sensitive to the energies right now.  These energies are bringing up a lot around your love life.  You may be feeling an unconditional love vibe a little extra.  These are meant to be romantic energies.  We have healing and forgiveness coming up in your relationships.  Neptune is huge for Twin Flame connections, as these are Spiritual Unions.  Neptune rules ascension.  It is a portal between the 3D Earth realm and the 5D spiritual realm.  Your Twin Flame connection is about healing and clearing anything blocking your ascension.  Twin Flames carry a lot of karmic baggage of their own, and with each other.  They are meant to work through certain soul lessons together.  If you’re in a Twin Flame connection and in a separation any unresolved issues may be coming up within these higher energies.  These energies are trying to push you to heal any issues so that you can reach a state of Union.  The veil is thin as we prepare for the Winter Solstice.  We are receiving a huge influx of Cosmic Energies.  The next week ahead is all about making huge shifts.  You can use these energies for doing healing and activation work, manifesting, and shifting to higher timelines.

art: @shinewonderland