On The Energies…

We are in a Geomagnetic Storm right now.  We are receiving a lot of energy right now.  Expect the energies to escalate over the next few days.  There was an X2.8-class flare we will really be feeling over the next couple of days ahead.  A CME will arrive Dec 17th from it.  this will increase the Space Storm we are already in.  This X flare is the strongest flare we have had of our current solar cycle.  It came with a crazy ultraviolet flash.  Stay grounded over the next few days.  These energies are coming with some major DNA upgrades as we prepare for the Winter Solstice.  The Winter Solstice always brings a lot of Lightbody activations.  These are powerful energies for manifesting too.  Tomorrow we have our Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces.  This is a major alignment.  Expect compassion, healing, and romantic vibes.  You may also experience misunderstandings in your relationships.  This alignment can bring ups and downs to your relationships.  It’s a greet day to focus on the spiritual and getting creative.  On the 21st the Sun enters Capricorn.  The is the Winter Solstice.  We shift seasons on this day.  It’s the darkest day of the year.  We are entering into a time where the veil is thin.

art: @blackrosesandsparklythings_