On The Energies…

 Today is a Galactic Activation Portal Day.  Today is a day for healing and tapping into the other side.  The veil is wide open right now, which means the spiritual worlds are way open.  You may be having more Spirit Messages coming through, vivid dreams, encounters with loved ones in the astrals, and passed loved ones coming back for you.  Pay attention to your own guidance right now.  Amazing for using these energies to shift to higher timelines.  A great time to be doing energy healing work, or to be working your magic.  We are preparing for the Equinox.  Today’s Gateway is helping us to do just that.  It’s time to be doing a good clearing for your space and for your energy.  You’re here to be really working on yourself.  Today is also St. Patrick’s Day.  It’s also the start of Rainbow Season.  We can expect Spring Storms and Rainbows.  The Equinox is also a huge Gateway for any Twin Flames.  New Energies means new connections for some.  It also can be a time when Twin Flames that have done the work will come back together.  The Equinox is only 3 days away.  That means these are the best energies right now to be making things happen.  Make sure you have a manifesting plan.  Make sure you’re putting those intentions out there during this time.  This is a time to be using the energies to bring balance and healing to any areas of your life that may be needing it.  You may be needing extra self care right now.  Many of you are just now learning how to take care of yourselves and your energy.  Until you love yourself first you’re going to attract toxic dynamics.  So important that you’re stepping into your power right now and seeing your worth.  So important that you’re following your inner guidance right now about where your path is trying to take you.

art: @shinewonderland