Neptune Shifts Direct…

Neptune shifts direct today.  This is making it a dreamy vibe.  This weeks energy is all about intention and manifesting.  Neptune has been in retrograde since June 21st.  This shift is turning your intuition all the way up.  Neptune rules our dreams, imagination, and spirituality.  This shift is making it easier to connect to our dreams.  We still have a lot of solar winds coming into the Planet.  These are giving us a good idea of where our lightbody is at.  There is a lot of highly charged energy flying around, so make sure your staying grounded.  December is going to be huge for our awakening.  We have some powerful energy that will be setting the stage for 2020.  These energies are meant to move us along on our path.  We are learning how to flow and create with this energy.  Your being reminded of your potential.  With many of the Planets leaving retrograde before the end of the year it can feel like time is suddenly moving fast.  This is time to get organised.  This energy is meant to bring us into a greater alignment.  This energy is powerful for relationships.  It seems to be either making them or breaking them.  We are just able to see and feel more and more of what really lies underneath.  Anything not real must go now.  Many souls are remembering and even longing for union with their twin flames.  This is a powerful time for love.  It has the potential of lifting your unions up even higher.