Journeying To Lucidity..

We continue our journey through our mind.  This has always been a journey within ourselves.  We are travelling through the underworld.  The unconscious becoming a conscious projection of our reality.  This is the ultimate play space.  A dream scape in which you must learn to create.  Your the dreamer awakening to more and more lucidity.  You need to learn how to change the dream state.  In a manifest reality the dreamer can program any experience they are thinking about.  There is an awakening occurring.  Many fragmented aspects once again becoming whole.  The first step to creating is to figure out what you want.  This starts with first with vision, the ultimate psychic awareness.  Your conscious mind is in charge of anything occurring on a subconscious level.  The things your thinking about are continually creating your reality.  It’s time to step out of the 3D templates based on fear and separation.  Set aside these past fears and replace them with future goals.  It’s time to dream past any limits you have set on your reality.  You already made all of your deepest fears conscious.  It’s time to focus on your wildest dreams.