Incoming Energies..

June will be preparing us to enter Eclipse season.  We have a New Moon in Gemini on Monday.  It’s now time to plant your intent.  It’s also important that we see things for what they are, an expansion on every level.  We have the Gemini constellation colliding with the Taurus constellation right now.  Because this New Moon is close to the star Aldebaran, in the Eye of the Bull it’s a very powerful energy for manifesting.  This New Moon is reminding us to be careful with our words.  We need them to be in alignment with the things we want to create.  This energy is doing a sweep of our throat chakra encouraging us to open up to our full potential.  We have a lot of cosmic energies and solar winds hitting the Planet right now.  These energies will continue to intensify, creating a gateway, or a peak around Friday.  Many energetic shifts are occurring.