Energy Report…

We have a Full Moon In Aries this week.  This is the Harvest Moon, and one of the more important moons of the year.  The energy is still so high from the Equinox too.  The energy has sort of reached a tipping point.  Things are about to get intense energetically as we wrap up 2020.  This energy is preparing us for the shift into 2021.  Thursday’s Full Moon In Aries is its own anomaly, it’s one of two Full Moons this month.  We also have a second Full Moon In Taurus on The 31st.  This second Full Moon will also be a rare Blue Moon.  These are some powerful elements.  We had a massive wave of ascension energies come in last night.  We can also expect a ton of solar wind today too, as we continue to move through this geomagnetic storm.  We are for sure feeling the effects of these incoming solar flares.  We are going through some massive upgrades and many are feeling these changes physically.  The energy may be a little dramatic this week too.  We also have Aries Chiron Rx, and Aries Mars Rx so we will be feeling the fire this week.  We have had a lot of planets shifting in and out of retrogrades this year, which has been affecting the flow of energy.  It’s been pushing us to go deeper within.  Emotions may be running high as Aries is a powerful energy.  It represents the Indigo Starseed.  It’s a warrior archetype, meant to bring change.  Powerful manifesting energy.  It’s time to really get creative.  We have a lot of work ahead of us.  This Full Moon In Aries will bring with it some massive bursts of energy.  We are also entering the darker part of the year.  This energy will take us through and past the veil.  It’s an amazing time for receiving messages.  Pay attention to your dreams and the things your seeing.  We also have some awesome meteor showers going on the next couple of weeks.  October will bring the Draconids Meteor Shower and the Orionids Meteor Shower.  Expect some amazing energies and shooting stars to come with both of these.  Since we have two Full Moons, and a Super New Moon this month the theme is cleansing and purging.  We have a lot to continue to heal and release.  We are going through a massive expansion so really take care of yourself right now.  This energy is bringing with it a powerful transformation.