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Chiron Direct In Pisces..
Monday Chiron moves Direct in Pisces. Mercury moved direct, it will now drag Chiron out of the underworld with it. Mercury is messenger of the Gods and a guide of souls. We are being pulled from the subconscious to the conscious now. Death of the old allows us to create new life. Chiron in Pisces is giving us the opportunity to release old wounds. We are clearing and healing an entire cycle of collective pain now. This is a time to release the energy of the old. We will continue our tour of the underworld up until the Winter Solstice. There is a huge emphasis on healing the healers, which became wounded this cycle. This month is the best time to dream, in any form. We have lots of Jupiter and Neptune energy. Jupiter and Neptune are the planets of spirituality, of envisioning something into existence. Sagittarius is the archer who shoots to the stars. This is time for you to send your intentions to the Universe for the new year. 2018 was huge in terms of our ascension. These energies are upgrading and altering our DNA. This process is similar to the way people alter computer codes. We are about to enter the new. New frequencies and new found perspectives. Neptune will be assisting to dissolve your current reality, for this has always been your illusion. We are going to start to rebuild the new in 2019, these foundations will be built on dreams.
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