Venus Shifting Into Pisces…

We have many shifts in energy occurring right now.  We can expect a huge stream if solar winds the next few days.  Today Venus is shifting into Pisces.  This is really good for relationships.  This placement can really help shift things with our relationships.  This placement will last for several weeks, so we can expect some major assistance with anything we are manifesting or dreaming of doing.  We still are assimilating a lot of these Eclipse energies.  We know that the effect of an Eclipse can last for several months.  This energy is pushing us to recalibrate.  This Capricorn energy is great for getting organised.  It’s time to further detox our bodies and our personal space.  A lot of stuck energy has been clearing.  These energies are giving you more and more direction as to things you need to work on.  We are now grounding into the element of Earth so this is a powerful month to get outside and connect with the Earth.  We are anchoring more and more into the new.  This is a powerful time to bring your manifestations through.

If your feeling heavy it’s a good time to set up an energy clearing…