Seeding The New Earth..

This energy has shifted to Taurus.  It’s Venus’s time to shine.  Love must now become a priority.  Many timelines will now collide around us.  Events that have been a long time in the making.  The Universe only ever simplify seeks to experience love with another.  This energy is all about Spiritual Love.  It’s time to understand this ascension will require a degree of non attachment.  The ability to step into the unknown time and time again to follow the flow.  There is an energy that has been trying to leading your soul home, back to your Source.  Those that are living in 5th dimensional frequencies should be noticing the changes these shifts have brought.  Matter and energy are changing in frequency, changing your manifestations.  The thoughts your having are crystallising, instant manifesting anything your thinking about.  It’s important that you understand we share a collective.  Each thought affecting that collective.  It’s time to restore balance to the collective through mastery of each thought and your energy.  You should be shifting into action.  Building the New Earth must occur first on an individual level.  This is what will lead to a new collective consciousness.  We now shift our focus to planting seeds for the new.  We will continue to seed our intent until the next New Moon in Taurus.